Stuart's Spectacular Students

This is dedicated to my amazing students. The goal is for each and every one of them to feel unstoppable by the time they walk out of the classroom door for the final time in May. This chronicles their journey; their own Chronicles of Self-Actualization.

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Happy Labor of Love Day

We are here for a reason, probably many reasons. And the less I think the more I feel, and the more I feel the more I know....

And I know more than ever that we are all here to make our countries and our worlds a better place for our children through our labor....

We ARE NOT here to labor away eeking out a living, to labor away seeking love and approval from others before seeking it first from ourselves, or to labor away pursuing the disappearing power of titles and salaries, all to prove to ourselves we are important and all of our laboring away hasn't been in vain....

That is no way to live, and our egos only serve to wear ourselves away, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.....

And I know our children hold the answers. I can see it in their smiling faces, feel it in their energy, hear it in their laughter, and LOVE it in their love. They unconsciously know the things we've forgotten as we've grown up and grown disenfranchised, often as a result of being taught how to forget this, by those who have forgotten themselves....

We've forgotten how to play. We've forgotten that we best learn in a spirit of fun, curiosity, wonderment and discovery....

We've forgotten that all lasting abundance comes from a deep sense of inner joy....

....And that pursuing this inner joy allows our labors to be labors of love, and our efforts to become effortless as they are driven from within, coming out of us in a flow, and unforced as we freely develop our inner gifts, in a fun and natural way....

And from this deep inner inspiration, we become truly unstoppable, and our labors produces our gifts of creation out onto the world....

Today is Labor Day in America, just one country among many. Let today be a labor of love in this ONE country, connecting with that inner source so much that it spreads out over and among the rest of the countries in our ONE world.

Happy Labor of Love Day. May we all find ourselves laboring in what we love to do, what we would do for free, and perhaps being so good at it that we're repaid in all kinds of abundance.

And THANK YOU to all the children of the world, who remind us of what work should be and could be. You are our angels and warriors. Let us protect you in your childlike innocence, and learn from your natural brilliance.

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