Stuart's Spectacular Students

This is dedicated to my amazing students. The goal is for each and every one of them to feel unstoppable by the time they walk out of the classroom door for the final time in May. This chronicles their journey; their own Chronicles of Self-Actualization.

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Sunday, June 26, 2016

KICKSTARTING OUR HEARTS ~ Thought 4 ~ Relentlessly Overcoming Reckless Terrorism

KICKSTARTING OUR HEARTS ~ Thought 4 ~ Relentlessly Overcoming Reckless Terrorism
Knowledge isn’t power. The relentless pursuit and correct use of it is.
We “know” something has to be done. And we “know” it has to be done now.
We also know that from 10,000 years of civilized history we can kill the killers without stopping the desire to kill.
And we know we have proven answers from some very powerful people like Gandhi.
Gandhi - education.jpg
To achieve this “real peace” it takes a huge amount of super-human strength and intelligence, things teachers are naturally built for.
We couldn’t be teachers if we didn’t love who and why we teach with super-human love.  
And we are perfectly situated to becoming super-smart every day as we become more intelligent about our students and how to teach them.
We are in a perpetual state of education.
We remember this, and become relentless in the pursuit of this, and we reach real world peace with every student we teach.
A beautiful theory that CAN BECOME an unbreakable everyday REALITY when we stop worrying and whining about what’s broken and focus instead on preventing our children from becoming broken by it, relentlessly.
Our hearts never stop.

#Mötley Crüe - #KickStartMyHeart

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Best Pythagorean Theorem Rap Ever

The Best Pythagorean Theorem Rap Ever

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart


The heart engines are already revving by teachers all across the world to kick start their students’ hearts and education in the fall. 

We’re gong to spend the next 2 months kicking our butts and our brains to think of lessons that will kick our students’ hearts forever and help them live safer and higher than ever. 

And our classrooms is where it all begins for them. It’s their Dream Big, Do Big, Become Big day-and-night club that’s exciting and explosive and where they come out happier and smarter than when they came in.

From the first beat of the first lesson using life’s greatest thinkers our students will hear these lyrics of higher-level thinking that leads them to higher-level learning and living.  

They will hear this music in their heads and feel it pound in their hearts this year and forever because it will be played every day until it becomes part of them. Aristotle will smile as he watches them learn to kick their own excuses, or “buts”, and evolve into real-world problem solvers that find long-term solutions to a current world of hate-filled terrorism and child abuse. 

No whining out of them. No whining out of us. We kick start this “impossible” change in the world by making it probable in our classrooms. We kick our own teacher excuses and “buts” as we hear it pound in our heads and feel it fill our hearts, flow into our spirits and sing out of our souls.  

We risk believing in this. We risk feeling all this. We risk crashing and hurting as we do this. We risk getting up again and getting knocked down again.  

We succeed because we risk failing. We risk to make school become this. For our children to become this. For our world to become this.

#OrlandoUnited #OrlandoStrong #ViveLeFrance #remember911 

#TheSchoolofAthensMindAdventures #HigherLevelLearning #ChildEmpowering #DremBigDoBigBeBig #MrStuart #FindtheHeroinYou 

#MotleyCrue #KickStartMyHeart #OCPS #WashingtonShoresElementary #SandLakeElementary #CypressParkElementary
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