Patrick's House????
Here's another space science clue from super smart scientist NASA Jeff. All guesses (ahem, intelligent guesses) will earn points. After Mr. Richards and I receive enough guesses the second picture will be flown in from space.
When the sun rises on this distant planet, only then can the true identity of what’s inside can be known!
When the sun rises on this distant planet, only then can the true identity of what’s inside can be known!
Labels: From NASA - What am I?, Jeff Richards
At 1:13 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I think it is some type of thermometer or some thing that tells you how hot it is on Mars.
At 8:54 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I think it tells the temperture and if theres life on mars or it has a camera in it to take pitchers of mars
At 8:57 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I think it tells the temperture on mars and if it has life on mars or it has a camera in it and it takes pictures
At 8:57 AM ,
Anonymous said...
its probably one of the probes sent to mars that crash landed on the planet so u can see by the skid marks under it and the little door is were u can manually drive the machine or retrieve data that it collects.
At 9:02 AM ,
Anonymous said...
When the sun rises on this distant planet. I think it mite mean the telling of the temp. on the planet Mars on Patrick's House??
At 9:04 AM ,
Anonymous said...
We have 3 guesses
1* A digging machine that plows along the surface of mars in search of any sign of life or clues that previous life used to be there.
2* A power station for a robot probe with a cameara that walks around on mars and takes pictures to send back to nasa.
3* A piece of Mr.Stuart's space ship that broke of during his previous trip to mars :)
At 7:03 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I know it a green house.
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