Stuart's Spectacular Students

This is dedicated to my amazing students. The goal is for each and every one of them to feel unstoppable by the time they walk out of the classroom door for the final time in May. This chronicles their journey; their own Chronicles of Self-Actualization.

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Patrick's House????

Here's another space science clue from super smart scientist NASA Jeff. All guesses (ahem, intelligent guesses) will earn points. After Mr. Richards and I receive enough guesses the second picture will be flown in from space.

When the sun rises on this distant planet, only then can the true identity of what’s inside can be known!

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Friday, April 27, 2007


Quotation of the Day
All men profess honesty as long as they can. To believe all men honest would be folly. To believe none so is something worse.
John Quincy Adams

1. What do you think this quote means?

2. How do imagine you could employ its use in your own life?

3. Who is this old guy anyway? (What was the music he let play inside of him during his "In the blink of an eye" lifetime?)

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Monday, April 23, 2007

From NASA - What am I?

A NEW EDITION ! Scientist Jeff Richards from NASA has sent in

Who and/or What am I?

Where peoples visions aim only as high as their imaginations. This is where the following work (picture below) is taking place.

Can you figure out what this picture is portraying?

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Are the Happy, Lucky?

Quotation of the Day
The power of fortune is confessed only by the miserable, for the happy impute all their success to prudence or merit.
Jonathan Swift

1. What does this quote mean to you?
2. How can you apply it to your own life, both now and in the future?
3. Who is this Jonathan Swift guy anyway?

This is for a Language Arts and Social Studies grade.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Where in the World is Mr. Cercelle?

Good Morning Class,

Nothing exciting to report this week as I stayed in my home town of Cleveland, Ohio and worked out of the office.

Who can tell me the capital of Ohio?

By the time that you get into class on Friday I will be landing in Cancun Mexico with my family for a weeks vacation. Not knowing much about Cancun, I do not have any questions for you, but I will have plenty when I return.

Have a Happy Easter and keep on studying so that some day you can have the option to travel the country side as part of your job.

Answer to last weeks question: For those of you that answered Microsoft you are correct!!!!




Bridget's Baseball

The coach is running the show today. She's added to Serena's and Winter's baseball bulleting board by devising ways to hit a daily homerun.

Post your comments on what new knowledge you've gained in the four bases of Science, Reading, Math and Hstory

Mark's Score

If Mark scored a 62 out of a possible 60 points on today's test, is his percentage score:

a) 102%
b) more than 100%
c) less than 100%

Explain why you chose the answer you did. Remember, this is math. Math involves quantitative, or measurable data. This means you can "measure" your thinking, or "explanation", by testing it. Test your explanation to know if you are right.

Learn to evaluate your own work. Learn to run your own life.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Antartica Anomaly or Grave Concern?

Melting Ice Sheet Worries Scientists

Scientists are monitoring Antarctica's Amundsen Sea Embayment, a Texas-sized piece of the Antarctic ice sheet that is thinning, possibly due to global warming. The scientists blamed the melting ice on changing winds around Antarctica that they said were causing warmer waters to flow beneath ice shelves. They believe the wind change is the result of several factors, including global warming, ozone depletion in the atmosphere, and natural variability. More ...

**What do you think? Is this an anomaly or a grave concern? Tell me why you think so. (yes.....first make an educated guess as to what the word "anomaly" means if you don't know......hint - my use of the word "or" in the title is a clue that it's the opposite of a "grave concern")

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Your Inner Child

May our inner child never grow old and die,

Lest we do too;

Living without being alive.

*Students, always hold on to that sense of wonder; of what things mean and what things could be. Your child-like curiosity is what will keep you alive inside as you become adults. All the greats had this child-like wonder with the world; from Aristotle to Zoroaster, and everyone in between.

Copyright © 2007 by Adam Stuart
All Rights Reserved

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Where in the World is Mr. Cercelle

Good Morning class,

This weeks adventure has taken me back to Seattle Washington, the world headquarters for two of our largest corporations in the USA.

The first is Boeing, the manufacturer of airplanes. Who can tell the other? Hint you will find the manufacturer on your computers desk top.

Answer to last weeks question. For those of you who answered Wall Street you are correct.

Stay tuned for next weeks adventure.

Mr. Cercelle


Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Word of the Day


Definition: (noun) An extremely dense, vertically developed cumulus with a relatively hazy outline and a glaciated top extending to great heights, usually producing heavy rains, thunderstorms, or hailstorms.
Synonyms: thundercloud, cumulonimbus cloud
Usage: The engineer considered all of the dangers, such as lightning and high winds, that an airplane would be exposed to should it fly through a cumulonimbus.

How do you pronounce this word?

Are you able to use it in a sentence of your own?

How do you change the bright yellow color on those words????? I've tried giving it all different colors in editing and it keeps showing up bright yellow because it's a link. It's almost driving me as crazy as you guys do.

I'm just kidding......

No, no I'm not kidding.

Yes I am. Just joking with ya'al.

(shaking my head, "No. I'm not kidding" Have you seen my gray hair? I can't blame all of it on my own kids.Let's see....there's Dallas, and Belle, and Kenny, and Summer, and...Oh! Right. No names. No names. Uh, I mean in general you all give me gray hairs (especially some more than others :-)

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Fast Facts


Two different states each are surrounded by eight other states. Which two are they?

Can you name the state that is bordered by only one other state? ("No" is NOT an acceptable answer. You know who you are that said it. Find out :)

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Better Represent

And these students did at last week's ice cream social:

and Jessica

Mrs. Hunters April Book Challenges

AUTHOR'S BIRTHDAYS (2 chapter or 3 non-chapter books)

Challenge Accepted and VICTORY ACHIEVED:

4/3 - Dallas
4/3 - Haseeb


**use the April Reading Log to record which books you've read and when you completed them.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Florida History

Hey Malcolm! Why don't you run with this? (business term meaning expand on what I've included and teach it to the class)

This Day in History

Ponce de León Sets Foot on Florida (1513)

On March 3, 1513, Ponce de León set out from Puerto Rico and sailed NE through the Bahamas. He sighted the Florida peninsula, which he took to be an island, late in March and landed near the site of St. Augustine early in April. His arrival coincided with the Easter feast, Pascua Florida, which is probably why he named the land he claimed for Spain "La Florida." What is thought to be the source of the claim that Ponce de León was searching for the Fountain of Youth? More...

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The Amazing Amanda Creates The Mighty Oskam

You are unwritten, in process. And what the pages of history will write about you is up to you. You are right now in the process of creating you.

You are a perfect example of a human....being. I have seen you do this every day, bringing your amazing qualities into our classroom, and learning how best to share this amazement with others.

It helps to "read" the others around you, and let them read you.

Sometimes you have to stop and think, "How is this going? Is what I'm "writing" with my actions having the affect I wanted, or intended, to have?"

Take control by pausing to align what you are doing with what you were hoping to be doing.....

...making that connection within yourself, and getting back into the flow.

From this your best self is realized, and who you are, your best self, becomes mighty. Others will see it......

....Others will feel it.....And you connect with each other.

No matter how amazing we are as individuals, and we all are, it's only when you share yourself unafraid to the world, and in a way that flows with it versus forcing yourself upon it, that mighty connections are made, and lives become powerfully better and brighter.

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The Struggle Behind the Success

Perhaps the most important book I could have read to you this year was the story of J.K. Rowling, author of Harry Potter.

Yes, she has had phenomenal success. But she has also had phenomenal struggle.

Are you willing to continue pursuing your dream year-after-year, UNTIL you succeed?

One thing you may know for sure.....if you are, YOU WILL SUCCEED!

If you never quit, you can never fail.

May you never quit. You all have fantastic gifts in you. I can't wait to see them fully realized in your adult lives.

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